Rishi stars
The Rishi stars are a group of seven stars that are associated with the seven energies of the body, known as the "life force" or the "vital essence." These energies are believed to govern the body's functions and movements, and maintaining their proper balance is considered essential for good health.
The Rishi stars water is a therapeutic preparation used in traditional Tibetan medicine to support the proper balance of the body's energies and promote good health. It is made by boiling certain medicinal herbs and then mixing the resulting liquid with water. The water is then imbibed or applied topically to the body, depending on the specific condition being treated.
In traditional Tibetan medicine, the Rishi stars water is believed to have various health benefits, such as supporting the proper functioning of the organs and the immune system, reducing pain and inflammation, and promoting overall wellbeing. It is used as a preventative measure to maintain good health, as well as to treat specific health problems.